
I was clueless it was #nationaldaughtersday last weekend and apparently it was #nationalsonsday yesterday and honestly that’s quite fitting because clueless has been the general vibe I’ve had since my first baby was placed in my arms eight years ago. Can you believe they let you just leave the hospital with your baby? Oh, and when you have twins they just let you walk out with TWO of them. Yikes.

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We all have the tendency to believe our struggle with motherhood is unique and that there’s no way other moms could be feeling the way we feel. I mean look at all the shiny well coifed pictures on Instagram! They certainly don’t look like they’re struggling. You maybe believe there is something inherently wrong with you or broken inside of you because this is not what you thought it would be.

But here’s the thing (and I can say this because I have the unique privilege of working with a lot of moms); none of us really know what we’re doing. Truly. We’re all doing our best and trying really hard to do what’s right and nobody has it all figured it out.

If you’re struggling with motherhood and it feels hard, that’s because it IS hard. Parenting is hard, especially today. It’s not because you’re doing it wrong or that something is wrong with you or your choices.

We’re all a little clueless.