What is Coaching?


Coaching is a proactive approach and collaborative experience that gives you support and guidance on a particular issue. Coaching has similar components to therapy and be sure to read below to learn how it’s different. We work together as a team and decide what goals we’ll work on. This is a great service for issues like:

  • Increasing self esteem and feeling like you’re enough

  • Decreasing resentment in relationships

  • Giving you tools to cope with the “what if’s”

  • Learning assertive communication skills

  • Rebuilding your identity after having children

  • Mastering the art of speaking your truth

  • Figuring out why you keep having the same fight over and over- and stopping it

  • Building communication skills

  • Learning how to deal with work stress in a healthier way

  • Breaking people-pleasing patterns

  • Improving boundaries with specific people in your life

  • Overcoming perfectionistic tendencies that are paralyzing

  • Learning about various psycho-educational topics

  • Improving confidence in parenting

  • Connecting the dots from past relationships to the experience you’re having in a present one

  • Dealing with relationship estrangement

  • Making a decision about a career move

  • Creating systems that make your life run more smoothly


You might be wondering how coaching is different than therapy and how to determine which one is a better fit for you. Coaching does not follow a medical model and is not therapy. In coaching there is no mental health evaluation or diagnosis and both have different goals and techniques.

  1. In coaching there is no evaluation or diagnosis offered (when appropriate).

  2. High risk mental health needs are not appropriate for coaching. Not only will coaching not be effective it is not a safe or appropriate level of care (i.e. suicidal ideation, self-harm ideation or behaviors, psychosis, substance abuse, active eating disorder behaviors, etc)

  3. During the initial consult call I will determine if I think coaching is an appropriate avenue for you based on your goals.

  4. In coaching there is no private health information retained (i.e. progress notes, treatment plan, etc). There will be a basic filed kept with general client information, notes and goals but this is not considered private health information.

  5. I can only provide therapy to residents of the state of Ohio. I cannot provide therapy to anyone residing outside of Ohio. However I can provide coaching for anyone regardless of state of residence. There is a distinguished difference between the two services and that will be clear so you can give informed consent. If you need a local therapist I encourage you to search your local directory on Psychology Today or seek a referral from your primary care provider.

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