What is the “Mental Load?”

Mental load is the whole bundle of details you manage throughout the day, not just for yourself but for your family members too. It has to do with your responsibilities, formal or not, as well as the decisions you have to make.

Beyond the day to day, the mental load includes anticipating, planning, managing, worrying, conceptualizing all of the tasks for your personal and professional life.

On-Demand Workshop: Minimizing the Mental Load

Minimizing the Mental Load is a one hour virtual workshop designed to teach you simple and practical tools to help you minimize and manage the mental load.

You’ll get:

•Practical strategies that reduce the number of decisions you make. I will teach each one, give an example and then you will have a take home exercise.

•Tools to initiate productive conversations about redistributing the mental load in your relationship.

•Scripts to help you and yourself partner move toward a common goal and help you feel more seen & supported.